General Business Simulation LearnSim®

LearnSim® Simulation:

The simulation allows for experimental, playful and competitive learning under realistic conditions, and acts as a highly motivating effect on the participants. You recognize the company as a complex, networked system and immediately get feedback on the immediate, remote and side effects of decisions made.

Participants train in teamwork as a manager of their company in order to successfully manage and develop the company. The distribution of the products from our own production facilities is carried out on five markets, where the companies have their own sales organizations. All decisions must be ensured by appropriate financing: decisions on credit strategies to be taken in the context of the financial and liquidity planning. To be successful the participants must work both competitively, and together in teams, communicate effectively and resolve occurring conflicts in goal oriented way.

LearnSim® facilitates focusing on the most important tactical and strategic decisions for the participants through clear display and graphical representation of the results.
* Detailed description on

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Steinbeis Center of Technology Transfer India

General Business Simulation

A successful business always stant on quality and good services


Option 1 = residential course: 4 seminar days by German professors + 2 days self-managed interactive distance-learning course with online tutoring

Option 2 = distance learning course over 6-8 weeks: 5 hours introduction by distance courses / webinars by German professors + 8 business quarter of decision making + 2 days self-managed interactive E-learning course with online tutoring course

Self-managed interactive E-learning course with online tutoring:
IMLead® Integrated Management & Leadership

  • 3 Months - Online Course with Faculty support - Min 20 participants in 4/5 Groups, Self-Study, Company Simulation and Transfer Papers (Projects)
  • By German and Indian Professors.
  • Understanding the basics of business administration
  • Applying business administration know-how and skills
  • Acquiring proficiency in target-oriented business management
  • Learning to make entrepreneurial decisions in a team environment
  • Developing efficient communication skills
  • Implementing your own ideas by convincing others
  • Enhancing the capacity for structuring and solving problems
  • Learning to deal with complexity and dynamics / Recognising both scope for
  • creativity and inter-dependencies
  • Implementing out-of-the-box thinking and action
  • Translating visions, proactivity and creativity into objectives and strategies
  • Recognising factors of business success and failure
  • For Working Professionals
  • Computer with latest internet browser is required
  • Rs. 17000 per student (only for min 15 students) + 18 % GST (VAT)
  • Certificate from Steinbeis India + EABW.
  • Students can decide their own schedule of learning.

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