Day 1:
Opening; Introduction of program, participants Exercise on creativity Basics
- Basic concepts of innovation (Exercise); Product-, Process and Business-Model- Innovation for EV; Incremental vs radical innovation
Basics of
- S-Curve of technology (Exercise)
- Disruptive forces (Exercise)
Newness of EV as a product:
- When is a product new?
- Drives of innovation
- Exercise – EV
Day 2:
Techniques and practical tools to (further) develop (first) innovative ideas and/or the company (with exercises) in EV:
- Changing an existing product or technology into something new - Osborn checklist (Exercise)
- From a current to a new position - Ansoff matrix (Exercise)
Customer needs and our solution - Design Thinking (Exercise) Innovation management and product development - selection of the "right projects" further development of group innovation idea
Day 3:
Innovation cycles / Product development process
- Stage-Gate-Model
- Exercise
- Continuation from previous session
Discussion and exchange of experience: practical product development process
Business Model Canvas
- Introduction Further development of group innovation idea
Day 4:
Business Model Canvas
- Continuation from previous day
Marketing Strategy
Finance Management (Pricing strategy)
Continuation from previous session
Further development of group innovation idea
Day 5:
Collaboration Techniques:
- Discussion: gap between MSMEs and knowledge and technology providers How to cooperate with Intermediaries, TT-offices, Universities, etc.
Questions and Answers:
- Subjects covered during the week which need clarification
- Further input from expert
Wrap up: Each group has his innovative idea ready for further development Next steps:
- Phase 2: Further develop idea into a launchable product (application of things learned during phase 1)
- Phase 3: Finishing School
- 5 Days Course
- Class Room in India / Germany - 5 days
- Prof. Dr. Bertram Lohmüller
- Vineet Goyal
- Experts from Industry
- The participants get to know different types of innovations and their classification, get an overview of tools for the evaluation of ideas and technologies for Electrical Vehicle business and process steps from their idea to the finished development result. Also the are able to create a business model for their EV solution.
- For companies and executives
The course is aimed at persons who are responsible for transformation and managing EV vehicle solutions. The course is also focusing on top management and people who are leading a division or department or are working as group and/or project manager as well as persons who are responsible for the positioning and marketing of EV products and services as group managers or project managers.
- No specific requirements are demanded.
- Rs. 45,000/- per participant (min 30 participant) + 18% GST (VAT)
- Certificate issued by Export-Akademie Baden-Württemberg and Steinbeis India
- Students can decide their own schedule of learning