Steinbeis India Academy for Advanced Technical Training & Entrepreneurship,a renowned Institution that has been working in India for more than a decade offers the best range of affordable online courses on innovation management in partnership with Institutions from Germany, USA and Singapore. Certification programs with Export Akademie Baden Wurtemburg and Steinbeis Global Institute Tubingen– Steinbeis university Berlininclude courses on “From Idea to Disruptive Innovation” and “Idea and Innovation Manager”. Certifications program “Customer Driven Innovation”is organised with Innovation Navigator, USA. A unique program with Techbridge Ventures NTUitive – a subsidiary of Nayanang Technological University Singapore, is an “Innovation Immersion Program”, in the areas of Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Block Chain, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Smart City, Advanced Material and Air Quality Management. This program entails exposing students in latest advancements and innovations in the selected technology areas and also visit to the R&D Institutions in Singapore undertaking research in the selected technology area. Steinbeis Innovation programs are focused on students, working professionals, Professors, InnovationManagers in companies, R&D Managers in Research labs and companies undertaking research and technology commercialisation managers in R&D Labs, Academic Institutions and other Institutions. They provide best platform to participants to study innovation courses from across the globe where they not only gain knowledge of innovation studies and theory, but are also acquainted with the knowledge of applying them to the real world.